This Sunday in Student Leadership, we get to engage with Week 2 of our Month Two Training Plan together! This is found on pages 38 and 39 of our journal. We will be engaging scripture together through a practice called reflective reading, just like we did last month. We encourage you to use the guide in your journal to practice this beforehand.

The reflective reading practice will be led through from the front of the room, then we will have 10 minutes to discuss as a pod and answer the question: “how did I experience God in this passage?”

  • When answering the question, remember to focus on how you experienced God, NOT on what you learned about the scripture.

Don’t forget: Mission Practice

Don’t forget that the Mission (Carry Hope) Practice for this month is to write a letter of encouragement to someone else in Student Leadership. If a student doesn’t know who to write to, encourage them to ask the Holy Spirit to highlight someone in Student Leadership Experience. It may be someone from another campus that they have seen or met at Kickoff or Serving experiences, someone they’ve played 9-square with or seen on the worship team or even someone they’ve practice meaningful conversations with on Wednesday night.

Here’s an example of a high school letter:

“Dear Lauren, I wanted to write and tell you one of the ways I see God moving in your life. You always seem to have joy. Although I don’t know you well, the joy that radiates from your life is making an impact on the people around you. I wanted to encourage you with a verse. It’s Nehemiah 8:10 and it says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” I pray that God continues to strengthen you and remind you of the joy He’s given you. You are a hope carrier! Sincerely, Olivia

Here’s an example of a middle school letter:

“Dear Henry, I wanted to write you and tell you that I  see a fruit of the spirit growing in your life and it’s kindness. Whether it’s holding a door for someone at an SLE Gathering or introducing yourself to someone new, your life models kindness to others. You are a hope carrier! Sincerely, Brady”