In this course, you’ll learn more about our story, our theology, and what being a hope carrier is all about. This experience happens at each campus on the first Sunday of every other month at 12:30pm. If you’re ready to get started with Jesus and Valley Creek, click below to register for our next available experience.
Join the Movement is for anyone high school and up who’s ready to get started at Valley Creek.
At Valley Creek, we don’t do traditional church membership classes, but if you’re looking to be a part of our family on mission, Join the Movement is the best way to get started!
We’d love for you to go through Join the Movement, whether or not you’ve attended previous experiences at Valley Creek. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about our story, our theology, and what being a hope carrier is all about. We’ve added some new, exciting content, so you won’t want to miss it!
You’re not required to bring anything, but we always love having a Bible and a journal at all our experiences to get everything God has for us in it.
There will be no childcare available during this course.